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ColdFusion Markup Language | 2002-01-23 | 1.5 KB | 56 lines |
- td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Email</td>
- <td><cfinput type="text"
- ditemNemail"
- value="#TheEmployee.Email#"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Commpage</td>
- <td>
- <textarea cols="30" rowsi3"
- ditemNCommpage" wrap="virtual"> </p>
- TheEmployee.Personala</cfoutput></textarea>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <input type="submit" value="Update Employeetename="submitted">
- <input type="reset" value="Reset Form"> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onu
- ="javascript:document.location='index.cfm';">
- </cfform>
- <hr>
- <cfelse>
- SermS <cfquery name="UpdateEmployeetes.tempF!--- CFM*
- fre. If it becrmS update -blEmployeenecrmS set FirstName
- am -rnVus to value="#form.FirstName#"re mo recordCount>
- <cfl,
- LastName
- am -rnVus to value="#form.LastName#"re mo recordCount>
- <cfl,
- Email
- am -rnVus to value="#form.Email#"re mo recordCount>
- <cfl,
- Phone
- am -rnVus to value="#form.Phone#"re mo recordCount>
- <cfl,ermS Personal
- am -rnVus to value="#form.Commpage#"re mo recordCount>LONGVAR
- <cflermS DFK
- Employee
- "ne foEmployeed#' ch </B/cfif>
- rmermS <!--- By cflocating away, we t N/ent *ucDis 1.s ourreload#'
- y cupage and rees.drng *ucDis 1.,/p>e ame#<lmsg = URLEncodedFormat("<font color=""greenpe=#FirstName# #LastName# has been update*!</font>")>
- amlocation url="index.cfm?msg=#msgt becrmS
- </cfif>
- mS
- </cfif>
- m
- </cfcase>
- <cfcase value="Delete">